
Fees & Charges

Fees and handling charges in Altenrhein.


Fuel & Oil

JET A1 / Avgas 100 LL


The listed prices do not include 8.1% VAT.

Duty included prices include 0.02 CHF CO2 emissions tax.

Current fuel prices valid for July 2024

JET A1 Avgas
duty included

CHF 2.16 / 1l

duty included CHF 2.67 / 1l
duty free CHF 1.33 / 1l duty free CHF 1.82 / 1l


Kilfrost ABC-K Plus (type II)

Kilfrost DF Plus (type I)


Credit Cards & Cash CHF/EUR (ATM available)

VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, Amex, Diners



Fuel Cards

  • World Fuel Services Europe Ltd. in GB - London
  • Jetex Fueling Services Ltd. in AE-Dubai
  • AEG, FL 33126 - Miami / USA